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Shark Tank


My name is Nicole Jones and I'm here today to present Pillars of Slippers. I would like to request from you 150,000 dollars and return of 15% equity in this business. Pillars of Slippers is… can I like a top wear party? But we are not selling containers. We are instead selling what women love. Shoes!

I am the shoe professor. We bring the shoe to you: a home based shoe business where women have the opportunity to get together with all of their girlfriends, roll up the pink carpet. Pop! Pop! Open the champagne, chocolates, strawberries and all the fun things that women love to do.

We are talking about affordable, fantastic, uniquely designed shoes. Uh!

There is projected to be in the US 97 million women, between ages of 18 and 64. And guess what? They all have one thing in common. They have feet, typically. And they love shoes!

So I would like to know which one of you are already to give me that cash.

 -Very good, very good. Wow, that was…

-I love it. 

-Thank you.