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节约用水 关爱生命


Today we’re speaking with Robert Hirsch, a research hydrologist for the U.S. Geological Survey, or USGS. Dr. Hirsch spoke of a new USGS report that’s the most comprehensive on American water use, to date. The study analyzed data from 2005 to figure out how much water we use in America today.


Robert Hirsch: Water use has been very constant for about the last 30 years. We use about 410 billion gallons per day for the nation as a whole.


The USGS then compared the new report’s findings with past data, and found that Americans have done more with less water since 1975. Water use, per person, is down about 30 percent. Hirsch said this can be attributed, in part, to advances in agriculture and energy. That’s because most of the water an average American uses – up to 80 percent – goes into producing food and electricity. Hirsch talked more about the efficient use of water at power plants.


Robert Hirsch : Rather than just taking it out of a river, running it through the plant and discharging it, now they’re taking much smaller quantities and recycling them through cooling towers and cooling ponds. And that really decreases the overall environmental effect.


Our thanks to the US Geological Survey, celebrating the International Year of Planet Earth.
