For most, chocolate is a guilty pleasure, may better, because it's so bad for you. Now, though, an extensive study has discovered that eating chocolate can be very good for your health. They can substantially reduce your risk of having a heart attack or stroke and help slower blood pressure. And before you check the day, this isn't a windup. The study was carried out by German nutritionists and kept track of chocolate eaters for at least 10 years. Even the British Heart Foundation agrees with the findings
-Dark chocolate has had a lot of publicity in the past about it being beneficial. And we think that's due to the flavonols which are actually in the cocoa, and there is some suggestion that such actually the chemical actually has got the heart-protective effects.

The study monitored more than 19,000 people and found that eating just 7.5 grams of dark chocolate a day reduced the risk of heart attacks and strokes by 39%. Even better, those who ate the most chocolate had the greatest benefit. As always though, there is a catch. High-end chocolates like these are the most beneficial.
-When things are added to chocolate, that's when it starts to become fatter and higher in calorie. The more naturally is, the better is for you. So the darker and the richer, and the better the quality of the chocolate, the better is for you.
So this is:Don't feel guilty, it's good for you.
-Shall I give you one to try?
Some of these even have to watch over five a day as they contain real fruit. Of course the problem is will it taste as good. Now it's no longer bad. Of course, it will.
Darren Little, Sky News, Leamington Spa.
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