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Barry Barish wants to build the largest science instrument in history to aid in his search for dark matter. Barish, a physicist at the California Institute of Technology, explained that dark matter is a unique kind of matter – stuff – believed to make up a significant portion of the universe.

Barry Barish: Twenty-five percent of the universe is made up of dark matter. All the things, like us, make up one percent or less.


The trouble is, dark matter has never been directly observed, with a telescope or any other device. To see dark matter, said Dr. Barish, scientists will have to build the world's biggest particle accelerator. Barish is leading the effort to design this instrument, called the International Linear Collider.


Barry Barish:It's a machine that will collide electrons and positrons.


These charged particles will slam into each other inside a tunnel 30 kilometers – or about 19 miles – long. Dr. Barish said this is what's needed to create the right test conditions to observe dark matter. He added that the International Linear Collider is still in the planning stages, and he thinks it might be 2025 before it's built.


If we can finally see dark matter, Barry added, we'll have a new way to look at the universe really that involves a whole set of elements, particles, that we really don't have on our shelf yet.
