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Ed Weiler: The Hubble has discovered things that we could never have anticipated. That is, it’s literally changed our view of the universe.


You’re listening to NASA astrophysicist Edward Weiler, chief scientist for the Hubble Space Telescope from 1979 to 1998. April 2010 marks its 20th anniversary of launch.


Ed Weiler: I must say uh, after we launched it and found out that we had an optical problem, I didn’t think we’d be here today 20 years later, talking about the great successes that Hubble has achieved.


Weiler said that Hubble has taken images of the universe that are ten times clearer than any ever produced by telescopes on the ground.


Ed Weiler: It’s like we’ve been near-sighted for the whole history of humankind. And we suddenly put on our glasses and have 20-20 vision on the universe. So we’ve seen, literally seen things we’ve never seen before, as nearby as pictures of, you know, our planets, to stars in our own galaxy, to other galaxies, and almost back to the very beginning of time.


The Hubble was refitted with new instruments in 2009. EarthSky asked Dr. Weiler what he expects from it in the years to come.


Ed Weiler: You know, when you’ve got something this powerful, and a universe that’s not quite infinite but almost infinite, I’m not gonna make any predictions about what we’re gonna discover because by definition.
