Mindlab International director David Lewis said: “We tested the physical properties of 15 most popular types of biscuits, along with aspects of their consumption such as ‘dunkability’ and crumb dispersal.” And the title of the most dangerous biscuit belongs to the humble custard cream. It poses the most risk to innocent dunkers with a Biscuit Injury Threat Evaluation, or B.I.T.E rating of 5.63. This compares to just 1.16 for soft and safe and Jaffa Cakes,Mike Driver.
大卫刘易斯说,“我们对15种最受欢迎的饼干做了物理特性测试,还对其他方面,如“耐浸泡性”,是否爱掉渣等方面做了测试。”而危险性最高的当属便宜的奶油冰淇淋饼干。对于那些泡这类饼干吃的人来说,奶油冰淇淋饼干的“饼干带来伤害的危险系数”为5.63。相比之下,一种名为Miike Driver的质软的橙子蛋糕则安全许多,其危险系数为1.16。
Marketing Director for biscuit makers Rocky, who commissioned the study, said: “Working with biscuits every day, we’d long suspected they’re not as innocent as they look, and we were right.”
choked 呛着了,哽着了
crumbs 饼干渣
filling 补牙用的填充物
poked 戳,捅
wading in(形容在泥浆里或者沼泽地)费力的行走
dispersal 散布,传播
poses the most risk 最有危险
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