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According to the Maya calendar, the world is expected to end on December 21st, 2012. Whether by natrual disaster, nuclear fallout or some other doomsday event. One southern Californian man is keeping the deadline in mind with hopes of providing a solution. Entrepreneur Robert Vicino is building and selling spaces in underground shelters across the country. He is the visionary behind the $ 200 million project called VIVOS with the goal to retrofit or build as many as 20 bunkers around the US, ahead of any catastrophic event that may threaten life as we know it.

"The Maya calendar just happens to be the perfect time and there is a lot of awareness we haven't on there on our websites. Kind of a metaphor for, for, hey, if you believe, here is the number of days. But you know, who is to say when it's gonna happen? It could happen tomorrow. You know, whatever the reason that you may need a shelter like this can happen any time."

Vicino denies that he is promoting a doomsday scenario in order to move his product and increase the number of units sold. He says there are plenty of other forces in play they creating a concern for many who feel that the end of the world may happen in their lifetime.

"So we are just providing a solution. We are not fanning the flames of fear. The media is already doing a good enough job of that for us and Mother Nature, and perhaps the Al-Qaeda. We are just providing a solution. That's all we are."

Several including the one located in the Mojave Desert 170 miles from Los Angeles are former power stations with walls ladder 3-feet thick. Vicino emphasizes there are disarter-proof durability.

"We are nuclear blasts resistant, we are biological and chemical proof, we are waterproof, we are earthquake proof to several force 10 earthquakes on the Richter scale. In fact, this entire facility can be shaft through the earth, sideways, 30 feet and it will not hurt the facility."

The underground cities will all be located within 150-200 miles of major cities on high ground. Each one will be fully equipped to meet the needs of its inhabitants for up to 1 year. Vicino says he's already recieving 50-100 applications a day infilling international calls from a variety of interest parties.

In Los Angeles, I am John Russell for Reuters.