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Today, the neglected disease of poverty. Peter Hotez, president of the Sabin Vaccine Institute talked about parasitic infections, common among the poorest people in developing countries, that are now being diagnosed among the 36 to 40 million Americans who live in poverty.


Peter Hotez: So there’s something about poverty that is making these people susceptible to these parasitic infections. And what we’ve identified in particular are six infections, and what we find are really high rates among African Americans and Hispanic Americans living in the poorest parts of our country.


Hotez gave the example of a disease called toxocariasis, a parasitic worm infection spread through dog feces. He said the infection leads to asthma or developmental delays. And he estimates that it affects more than a million people in the U.S., the majority being African Americans. But he said, because so few doctors have learned about the disease, it frequently goes undiagnosed.


Peter Hotez: We’re not in a position at this point to know, when a child comes in with asthma, what the likelihood is that person has asthma because of toxocariasis or another source.


Peter Hotez is working on developing vaccines and new diagnostic kits, and raising awareness that these diseases exist and disproportionately hit America’s poorest.


I'm Jorge Salazar.
