Hi, I'm Bill O'Reilly. Thank you for watching us tonight. Blaming President Bush for the oil disaster, part 90. That is the subject of this evening's "Talking Points Memo". The oil disaster's getting crazier and crazier. The broken pipeline still sending thousands of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico every day. And the Obama administration is trying to stem the tide of negative public opinion. So, it's not only an ecological disaster, it is a political disaster. Yesterday, House Majority leader Steny Hoyer said this.
The psychology of neglect in terms of regulatory oversight that was pursued in the Bush administration, which led to the banking failure, insurance prices going way up, and oil companies thinking they could do whatever they wanted because the drill baby drill crowd, all they wanted them to do was to drill.
Well, that's not entirely true. President Bush did ban drilling off Florida's west coast. And there was not much difference in the Bush oil policy than the Clinton oil policy. Both presidents allowed deep water drilling in some areas, as did President Obama. And Congress went along with it.

So there's plenty of blame to go around. And for the Democrats to continue to lay it all on Bush is flat out dishonest. Even the liberal media is catching on to the ruse.
You hear this critique, why do Democrats keep blaming the Bush administration?
I haven't heard that. I haven't heard that.
So you think that's a favorite -- but when does that run out? When do you feel like it runs out with the public?
Well, it runs out when the problems go away.
The Speaker hasn't heard Democrats blaming Bush? Are you kidding me? Is she in 24/7 lockdown?
"Talking Points" is just about fed up with politics of the oil spill. Let's be very, very clear. No politician is responsible for BP's faulty equipment. And modern day presidents, all of them, understand the country is ultra dependent on oil. In fact, everybody knows that.
Yes, it's harmful to the country. We're funding terrorism with money we spend overseas on oil. ANWR in the Arctic should have been opened a long time ago. Nuclear power plants should have been built a long time ago. And other alternative fuels should be fast-tracked, everybody knows this.
The oil disaster is a wakeup call, but it's nobody's fault with one possible exception. If the British Petroleum Corporation was derelict, derelict in safety procedures, then they must be held responsible in a criminal court. As far as response time to this spill and clean-up, obviously the Obama administration wasn't quick off the mark. And they don't really know how to clean it up. Do they? So the Democrats should basically button it and come up with some solutions.
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