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For the first time in the World Expo's history, the Shanghai World Expo has brought together some examples of the most livable cities from around the world, showcasing their good solutions to urban issues.

At the Best Urban Practices Area of London's Case Pavilion, Vice Director Xu Ling says they aim to promote the concept of zero energy development, also known as ZED.

"We hope that this pavilion will be the beginning of a new era of constructing ZED development in China, working towards building a greener, cleaner and happier future for our children and the precious planet."

As London's contribution for the Shanghai World Expo, the pavilion consists of two connected carbon-neutral buildings totaling 2,500 square meters.

The four-floor buildings house a lecture hall, a restaurant, an exhibition hall and six model rooms.

Xu Ling explains how the pavilion achieves zero carbon emissions.

"The way we doing it is reducing the amount of energy ZED Pavilion uses, it is possible to generate all of its energy through renewable technologies. This is achieved by very careful design and construction, harnessing the power of natural energies such as sun, wind and river."

The inspiration for the pavilion came from the Beddington Zero Energy Development in London, the first zero-carbon emission community in the world.

The utility of sunshine, water and wind is fully embodied in the complex. At the south side of the buildings, a sunroom saves heat absorbed from sunlight, which is transferred into the interior, while solar photovoltaic panels on the roof convert solar energy into electric energy.

Through the roof, the pavilion also collects rainwater, which is used to flush toilets or to water plants, reducing the demand for tap water.

At the pavilion's restaurant, the lamps are made from beer bottles. Visitors are having their meal with chopsticks and plates made from biscuits.

"The plate is made from biscuits. It's very special. I can eat it after I finish up my meal. It's environmentally friendly."

At the exhibition hall on the first floor, various chairs made from waste material such as newspaper, old tires and old water pipes embodies the concept of environmental protection.

A visitor surnamed Wei says she is enlightened after visiting the London Case Pavilion.

"We should protect the environment. In our daily life, we should try to make use of everything we can. For example, I never thought that the chair was made from a used wok."

Unlike most pavilions that will be demolished after the Expo is over, the London ZED Pavilion will live on to become China's first zero-carbon museum.

For CRI, I'm Zhang Ru in Shanghai.