Latvian men bring new meaning to the ball and chain concept of marriage as they competed on Saturday to carry their wives uphill in the fastest possible time. 53 married or cohabiting couples took part in the third year of this wife-carrying competition. Men carried their partners in a variety of styles: piggyback,fireman's carry or Estonian-style where the wife hangs upside down with her legs around the husband's shoulders. Inaty Kermala said it was a challenge for both her and her husband.
"It was hard for me to hold on and I felt it was hard for the husband to run, my head was hanging downwards and I thought it would never end."
This fairly new tradition has been borrowed from the Estonians,who have the easier task of carrying women across a field rather than up a hill. But in Latvia the hill has a symbolic importance. Carrying uphill means to comply with female wishes.

This year,they have Lithuanian competitors for the first time,the winners of the first Lithuanian wife-carrying contest were serious contenders who are aiming for the World Championship in Finland later this year.
"If we are practising for the competition,so we do it two or three times a week,we run in the stadium,we run,we go with the bicycle,we going somewhere together,we've tried to,even if I,even if when they,when we come home,I lift her on my back and go 4th floor."
Whatever the training tactics,it's all hard work. The winners,Silva Sercarne and Guntis Bersens said the key to their success was determination and love helped them too.
Divina Thaqurey,Rueters.
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