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墨西哥湾缺氧 动物无地栖息


Mandy Joye: The methane concentrations in these plumes are 100 to 10,000 times what you would normally see in Gulf of Mexico water.


You are listening to University of Georgia oceanographer Mandy Joye.In June 2010, Joye returned from an emergency research expedition in the Gulf of Mexico following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. She talked to EarthSky about the high concentrations of methane gas she discovered in oil plumes deep beneath the surface of the Gulf.


Mandy Joye: And there’s also propane and butane, and gases that derive from the same processes that make the oil.


Dr. Joye said there’s so much gas leaking into the Gulf that we might be looking at severe oxygen depletion in Gulf water. What happens, she explained, is that naturally occurring Gulf bacteria “eat up” the vast amounts of methane and other gases.


Mandy Joye: But in the process, they’re consuming molecular oxygen from the water. The reason that’s a problem is that, so then you could potentially have large volumes of water floating around in the deep part of Gulf of Mexico that don’t contain any oxygen.


Ocean life depends on oxygen. Oxygen depletion in the Gulf of Mexico, Joye said, means lost habitat for wildlife, and potentially long-term repercussions on local fishing.


Mandy Joye: The degradation of this oil and gas has been injected into the middle of the Gulf of Mexico. It is going to cause the oxygen depletion in the water, there’s just no way around it.
