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The Large Hadron Collider, or LHC, near Geneva, Switzerland, is the world’s largest particle accelerator. It’s used to smash together elementary particles – the fundamental building blocks of our world and universe. Now scientists at the LHC are converting data from both real and simulated particle collisions into sound.


That’s a proton collision played on marimba.


When protons collide at just under the speed of light, they’re transformed into a spray of energy and new particles. Data about the speed and about where these particles hit the detector’s walls is then converted into sound. Dr. Lily Asquith, one of the originators of the LHC sound project, explained.


Lily Asquith: We may take a particle and if it’s moving very, very quickly we would associate that with a higher pitched sound. A slower or heavier particle might have a lower sound.


Asquith said the sound clips are free to the public and encourages their use in artistic projects.


Lily Asquith: Anything creative that comes out of it is good because it’s making people who wouldn’t normally be interested in physics open their eyes to the fact that this could be something that provides them with material or inspiration.
