苹果WIFI版iPad 17日正式在国内上市,通过直营店、经销商、校园店等多个渠道同时发售。为了迎接WIFI版iPad在中国的首发,苹果将北京、上海两家直营店的营业时间都提前到早晨8点。所有进店购买iPad的用户都会得到店员一对一的指导。这种帮助对大多数用户而言非常必要,因为iPad首次开机时要连接电脑激活,还要申请iTunes帐户之后才能正常使用。尽管在直营店购买需要排长队,但还是有一波接一波的“苹果粉”不断地涌向这里。
Despite the drizzle and cold, Apple enthusiasts in Beijing still came to the Apple store, located in Sanlitun, to buy their long anticipated dream product—the licensed, WiFi version iPad.
The sales launch was set to be at eight this morning. But Han Ziwen, the first one in the long queue says he came three days ago.

"On Sept the 15th, I heard the news on a mobile TV when I was on a bus. I got off right away, and came all the way here immediately. I felt very lucky when the staff told me I was the first one. I've spent three nights at Sanlitun. Many net friends knew me through my Twitter. Some of them bought me food and have given me a lot of help in the past three days. I want to thank them."
Han Ziwen says the reason for his three day craze came from his liking for Apple's culture.
"Apple is not a time honoured brand. But it has maintained active interaction with its fans for a long time. Also, it represents creativity and freedom, 'cause the system enables me to operate it the way I want. Everyone likes to eat a fresh apple. Apple in my heart is always fresh."
By eight this morning, there were around 100 people waiting outside the store. Mr. Ning, a middle-aged man is one of them. Today he is going to buy his second iPad.
"I already bought one. I want to buy another one for my parents. It's user-friendly. You don't need to teach the elderly and the kids so many complicated operating procedures. Very easy to use. I use it to read books quite a lot. I also like the abundance of application software Apple provides."
Miss Gao is a pretty slim girl. What she cares about is the iPad's appearance.
"I think it looks delicate. It feels good when I touch it. Touch screen, simple and nice looking. That's why many girls like it."
However, Zhang Xiaole, an IT engineer says, the iPad also has its drawbacks.
"The biggest drawback is that it doesn't support flash, so I can't go to many websites and watch movies online and play games that use flash. Many of Apple's games are fancy. But the iPad doesn't support mouse and USB connections, so for people who love games like first person shooters, it's really hard to get accurate aiming. Plus, it doesn't have a physical key board. It's not comfortable if you use it for a long time."
Some domestic PC manufacturers are also planning to launch their touch screen products, such as Lenovo's LE Pad and ZTE's V9.
Le Pad is said to be available in the market by the end of the year. It uses Android system and has an independent keyboard. It's compatible with Lenovo's Le Phone.
V9 also has a keyboard and uses 7 inch display. It's price range will be about 50 percent higher than average smart phone.
For CRI, I am Li Dong.
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