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It’s pretty local in the sense of this is just the appointment of a mayor of Moscow, but Moscow is one of the biggest cities in Europe and it’s got massive budget, billions of dollars, so the person who occupies this post has some degree of power, but it’s also being something a long-going saga which gives us an insight into the way Russian politics is working these days.

The predecessor of this man--Sergei Sobyanin, his name’s Yuri Luzhkov, he was in the post for 18 years, that nearly two decades. In fact, he was unceremoniously fired after falling out with the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, well,  just about a month later, it’s been this new person appointed, because Moscow is one of the few cities in Europe, perhaps it is one of the city,the capital of Belarus,Minsk, that which doesn’t actually directed the elect to have some say in the election of its mayor, this mayor of Moscow has been appointed. He seems very much as somebody who’s a loyalist to Vladimir Putin-Russia’s Prime Minister, it’s an indication that the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin as well, is tightening its grip over this very important city in Russia and all its resources that contain within it, so it seems to be again: The Kremlin tighten its grip over the political situation in Russia.