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It's eyeing this poultry market as one possible factor in territory's first case of bird flu since 2003. Authorities have also raised the response level for the pandemic to serious. The move came after a 59-year-old woman contracted the H5 influenza-- a virus. Among the places she'd recently visited was this market.

But officials aren't sure whether the infection came from Hong Kong poultry or poultry imported from mainland China. HongKong's Health Secretary said the risk of bird flu spreading wasn't high but he stressed vigilance.

But I think we have to make all precautions so that in case this is a risk in HongKong. we can find out as early as possible.

HongKong's last bird flu outbreak was in 1997 when 6 people died. The woman infected in this latest case remains in serious condition.

David Botty, Reauters.