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1.Chris Voight, a 45-year-old from Washington, has eaten nothing but 20 potatoes every day for the last two months.

nothing but只有, 只不过

例句:I had nothing in the world but a million-pound note.
      除了一张百万英镑的钞票, 这世上我是一无所有。

      Don't scold her, she's nothing but a child.
      不要责骂她, 她只不过是个孩子。

      anything but,nothing but,all but,none but

anything but(=not at all,by no means,never)表示“决不,根本不”。
nothing but(=only)表示“只不过,除了……以外什么也没有”。
all but(=almost,nearly)表示“几乎,差一点”。
none but(=no one except)表示“只有;除……外谁也不”。

2.He accepted that a diet of just potatoes was not sustainable in the long term but said his experiment had shown how "truly healthy" the vegetable is.

in the long term从长远观点来看

例句:We should cut our expense in the long term.

3.I'm not encouraging anyone to go on this crazy diet, nor would my doctor.


(1)传统规则要求nor 用于 neither 后面, 在这种表达中,否定放在第二个部分:他既不能也 (不用 or ) 不愿走。 Nor在当两个独立句子中的第二个也被否时被用, 在这种用法中,它也引起第二个句子主语和助动词的转变:
 He cannot find anyone now, nor does he expect to find anyone in the future; 
 现在他找不到任何人,以后也别梦想找到任何人 ;

 Jane will never compromise with Bill, nor will Bill compromise with Jane. 

(2)然而当第一个否定词用not 或 never 表达, 且当第二个连结部分是动词短语时,nor 的用法通常可选择: 
 He will not permit the change, or (or nor ) even consider it. 
 他决不会容许改变,或者(或者用 nor ) 甚至考虑它。 

(3)当一个名词短语以形式no this or that 被 no,or 引入时比 nor 更常用:
 He has no experience or interest (less frequently nor interest ) in chemistry. 
 对于化学他既没经验也没兴趣(很少用 nor interest ) 。 

(4)Or在下面这种情况下比 nor 常用, 如一个名词短语、形容词短语或副词短语被not 引导时:
 He is not a philosopher or a statesman. 

4.In 2003, American filmmaker Morgan Spurlock embarked on a McDonald's-only diet for a whole month in order to investigate the health effects on the body.

embark on着手, 开始做某事

例句:He is about to embark on a new business venture.