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Every year-end, what office workers talk about the most is the year-end bonus. After a year of hard work, getting a financial reward is no doubt comforting and encouraging.

"I have a high expectation for my year-end bonus. I hope the boss can give me a pay raise and a big red envelop. If I can't get that much, I also understand. After all I work for a small company and this year was not easy for us."

"I hope my year-end bonus can be much more than my monthly wage. Year-end is the happiest time for me. If there is no such bonus, I would be disappointed."

"As long as the bonus of this year is no less than last year's, it's ok. That means 3 months' salary."

"I don't think the company will give us the bonus this year. I would be quite grateful they don't fire me."

So what is your expectation of the year-end bonus?

The origin of the year-end bonus dates back to ancient China. At that time, the shop owners used to give red envelops to their employees before spring festivals, which gradually developed into today's year-end bonus.

Ba Ran is a professional counselor. She tells the meaning of a year-end bonus.

"The year-end bonus embodies the office workers' values. It means the company approves his work of the year. Secondly, office workers would feel a stronger sense of belonging to the company when they receive a satisfactory bonus. Now is peak time for job hopping, so the bonus could persuade those who want to leave the company to stay."

Surely, different companies have different ways to issue the bonus. Let's check it out.

1) 年底双薪. Double Pay.

Advantage: 相对固定, 可提前计划. It's predictable. Office workers can make plans in advance.

Disadvantage: 变化不大, 没有惊喜. Lack of variation and surprise.

2) 红包大小和业绩挂钩. Bonus based on personal merit.

Advantage: 激励员工, 比较公平. It's very fair for those who work hard for the year.

Disadvantage: 弹性太大. It's too changeable.

3) 购物卡等非现金. Bonus in kind.

Advantage: 实用, 方便. It's Practical and convenient.

Disadvantage: 不一定能得到所有员工的喜欢. It may not be favored by all employees.

Some companies issue the year-end bonus before New Year's Eve, while other companies do the opposite. What are office workers' opinions?

"What I care is not when I get the bonus, but how much it is."

"The earlier, the merrier."

"Of course I need the bonus before New Year's Eve. It's already the sales season. I need money for shopping."

"Anytime before the spring festival is fine by me."

When the year-end bonus fills your pocket, what are you going to do with the money?

"I will reward myself, you know, buy some pretty clothes and eat in some great restaurants."

"I will go shopping and buy some presents for my parents."

"I usually give all of the bonus to my wife."

"I will buy some home appliances for my family and prepare some New Year lucky money for the younger generation."

Meanwhile, some office workers plan to use the bonus to pay their housing and car loans. Besides these rewards and necessities, nearly half of the interviewees say they would save money in the bank. Professional consultant Hu Ying has another suggestion.

"For those young office workers who just start their careers, I suggest they use part of the bonus to make an automatic investment plan of an open fund. This is a less risky way to manage money. For those who have years of working experience, I suggest they save enough money to support their children first, and then choose the most suitable bank financing products."