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1. Mother’s Day is a popular spring holiday in the U.S., a time when families get together and honor mom with cards, flowers and gifts.

get together聚会; 联欢
例句:All the members of the family get together once a year.

2. It is also big business, one of the biggest weekends for retail sales.

retail sale 零售,零售额
例句:Retail sales were off a hair in January.

3. They are counting on strong Mother’s Day sales this year to bring more confidence to the overall economy.

count on期望, 指望
例句:We can count on the weather being fine.

4. But Mother’s Day is approaching and it's a big holiday in the US where mothers are honored with gifts of chocolate, flowers, and greeting cards.

honor with授予(某人)以…
例句:I hope to be honored with further orders.
如蒙惠顾, 不胜荣幸。

5. Last year, we took a hit, it wasn’t great.

take a hit遭受打击;受到影响
例句:Phelps' image won't take a hit .

6. This year I see it coming back now.

come back恢复,复原
例句:But his lost youth did not come back to him. 

7. Mother’s Day accounts for a large part of May revenues for retailers.

account for占有,占...百分比
例句:APEC members account for more than half of the world's economic output.

8. That is similar to the numbers we saw in 2007 before the economy really fell through.

fell through落空;失败;成为泡影
例句:He didn't quite understand why the deal fell through.

9. They're stocking up now for what is usually a big weekend of sales.

stock up进货; 使(商店)储足货物
例句:All the shops are now stocking up for Christmas.