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Cnet.com/live is the way to find your favourite CNet tech shows, from the hottest gadgets to the latest tech news. We stream live 5 days a week at Cnet.com/live.

It's Thursday, May 5th. I'm Mark Licea. And it's time to get loaded. You can now tune in Pandora to get your laughs. The Internet raido service is adding 10,000 comedy clips from more than 700 comedians into its library. Big names like Bill Cusby, Bob Newhart, Jerry Sanfield, and George Collin are a few on the list. The company says adding comedians to the library has been a long time requests from users. Similar to listening the music, comedy beats would be spliced in with audio Ads.

Google and Facebook are flirting with buying skype, business insider says Facebook Excs are considering a buyout or joint venture. This would give Facebook a fully fledged vedio products to build into their service. Google already has a voice and vedio chat service. So their reasoning is less clear. Skype delayed its IPO earlier this year, and it's rumored to be considering a buyout for three to four billion.

Warner Brothers is acquiring Flixster and Rotten Tomatoes. This comes just after Warner Brothers announced a digital everywhere app, slated to roll out in the summer. The app will let users organize and access to the vedio content from one place and Flixster Rotten Tomatoes could possiblely be part of the service. Warner Brothers insists that both Rotten Tomatoes and Flixster will continue to operate independantly.

If you see links to vedios and photos of Osama Bin Laden's death, you already know not to click on them. They are spam and clicking will download viruses onto your computer that will steal personal information. Now, hackers are using Osama Bin Laden's death to allure victims into click on these malicious links. But you know better.

Buzz Noble is planning to release a new E-reader at the end of the month. The Wall Street Journal got wind of an SEC filing speculating that the new device may be a tablet e-reader hybrid, possiblely running Horneycom Android 3.0. But Cnet's own David Cornell is saying that the most likely scenario is that the company will upgrade their lower priced E-N crater. And that the look colour won't get refreshed until the fall.We will know in a few feeks.

You may not have to plug in your iphone to update any longer, that's the latest rumor from 925 mac. They're reporting that Apple is working with Verizon to offer over-the-air updates similar to Android phones. No word on if this is happening with AT&T.

That's your news for the day. And that wraps up your week of getting loaded, remember we don't have a show on Fridays any more, So, we'll see you on Monday. I'm Mark Licea with Cnet.com. And You've just been loaded.

CNet.com/live is the place to find your favourite Cnet tech shows from the hottest gadgets to the latest tech news. We stream live 5 days a week at Cnet.com/live.