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LeBron James thinks the President is using athletics, and athletes, to split up the country. And he’s rejecting the premise like an opponent’s ill-advised layup.


"What I’ve noticed over the past few months," James shared with cnn’s Don Lemon during a sit-down interview on Monday. "(Is) he’s kinda used sports to kinda divide us, and that’s something that I can’t relate to."


Referencing Colin Kaepernick, whose kneeling protests during the pre-game national anthem launched an NFL movement, and more recently, Stephen Curry, who honored his promise of skipping a visit to Donald Trump’s White House, James bemoaned a myriad of instances in which the President has twisted peaceful displays of dissent into an indictment of a decaying American value system.


"I can’t sit back and say nothing," said James, who lists participating in youth athletics as one of the most inclusive experiences of his upbringing.


"Sports was the first time I was ever around someone white," revealed the four-time NBA MVP. "I got an opportunity to see them and learn about them, and they got the opportunity to learn about me ... And I was like, ’Oh wow, this is all because of sports.’"

这位4次获得美国职业篮球联赛最有价值球员奖(NBA MVP)的人说:“体育让我第一次置身于白人中间,让我有机会看到他们、了解他们,他们也有同样的机会了解到我。我心想‘哇,这一切都是因为体育啊。’”

Flashing the trademark smile that has routinely graced magazine covers and commercial shoots since he was a junior in high school, James laughed at learning how much earlier his youthful "white friends" ate dinner and went to bed, and noted his surprise at seeing food stored in a pantry.
