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1. Concerns about the climate-changing effects of carbon dioxide, or CO2, emissions in the United States have focused attention not just on big industrial polluters and automobile exhaust, but also on agriculture.

focus on以…为重点, 致力于
例句:Our meeting focuses on the question of women's right.

2. Beef production accounts for a third of that, which is roughly equal to the exhaust from 24 million cars.

account for占有,占...百分比
例句:APEC members account for more than half of the world's economic output.
equal to等于
例句:The supply is equal to the demand.

3. Massachusetts beef farmer Ridge Shinn is using a time-tested agricultural model known as holistic herding, which he says helps cut his farm’s carbon emissions by putting CO2 back where it came from; in the soil.

known as被认为是,被称为
例句:He is known as a gifted orator. 

4. As a result, the domestic herds denude the land of CO2-absorbing plants and churn up the ground with their hooves, releasing soil-sequestered carbon in the process.

as a result结果, 因此
例句:There was a substantial growth of industry and foreign trade increased as a result.
由于工业的大发展, 对外贸易也发展了。
churn up搅拌
例句:The earth have is churn up by the wheel of the tractor.

5. And then, the next day, we move them off that one acre.

move off离开
例句:The car stand at the traffic light for a few moment, then move off.
那辆汽车在交通灯前停了一会儿, 然后驶去了。

6. So, that acre is now resting and by the time we get around the whole 50 acres, you know, putting them on an acre a day, 50 days have passed and this piece of ground has had a chance to rest and reinvigorate.

by the time到…时候为止
例句:He had left by the time we reached home.
get around随意走走, 四处走动
例句:It's easy in this city to get round by bus.

7. Their manure and methane waste act as fertilizers to help grow more vegetation.

act as担当…; 起…的作用
例句:He acted as secretary to the board.

8. Metzger says holistic herding can also speed the regeneration of badly overgrazed soils in just three to four years, compared to the decades it can take if the land is simply left fallow.

compare to与…相比
例句:The writer was compared to Shakespeare.

9. The method has also proved popular with ranchers in Australia, New Zealand, and with agricultural extension services across the United States.

popular with受欢迎
例句:These artistic handicrafts are very popular with foreign friends.

10. In addition to reducing CO2 emissions, holistic herding also requires less land because cattle are kept together in a series of adjacent fenced paddocks, instead of being left to roam over large, unmanageable areas.

in addition to除…之外,还…
例句:In addition to French, he has to study Japanese.
instead of (用…)代替…, (是…)而不是…
例句:He walks slowly instead of quickly.
他走路缓慢, 而不快速。