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1. Vaccines against swine and avian flu can be made more effective by the addition of a helper serum known as an adjuvant. 

known as以…知名;被认为是
例句:This is known as reverberation.

2. Vaccines are based on an antigen - the ingredient that actually stimulates the body's immune response - plus other components.

be based on根据,以…为基础
例句:These friendships are based on common interests.
immune response免疫反应

3. A new study looked at the effectiveness of one of those other components - an adjuvant called MF59 - in boosting some flu vaccines.

look at看, 注视; 评判; 审视
例句:The difficulty can now be looked at in a different light.

4. "This type of adjuvant works by attracting to the site of vaccination competent immune cells, whereby they're creating a local environment to facilitate the immune response."

attract to吸引〔诱惑〕…至
例句:It attracted many visitors to the place.

5. In a study published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, Golding and her colleagues showed that adding MF59 to vaccines for H1N1 swine flu and for avian flu increased the immune response in various age groups.

add to增加, 加强
例句:That will only add to our difficulties. 

6. If you have more efficient processing of a certain amount of vaccine, you don't need as much to get the same level of immune response.

a certain amount of一定数量的
例句:A ship displaces a certain amount of water .