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1. Higher temperatures and changing rainfall patterns resulting from global climate change will threaten food production in many parts of the world - especially regions in the tropics already struggling with food security, according to a new report.

result from产生于…, 由…引起
例句:His failure resulted from not working hard enough.
according to根据, 按照
例句:Fill up the form according to the instructions.

2. How climate change affects you depends on more than just how it affects your local weather.

depend on取决于
例句:It depends on the weather.

3. Other studies have looked at the effect of climate change on growing conditions in certain regions.

look at看, 注视; 审视
例句:The difficulty can now be looked at in a different light.

4. But Thornton says figuring out how that interacts with other factors affecting food security is a challenge.

figure out计算出; 解决; 想出; 弄明白,理解
例句:I can't figure out what he was hinting at.
interact with与…相互作用, 与…相互影响; 与…相互配合
例句:He interacted closely with us so as to finish the difficult task.

5. They combined this data with climate change models that predict the impacts on temperature and rainfall by 2050 to come up with maps of the most vulnerable areas of the tropics.

combine with与…结合
例句:If he can combine his ability with hard work, he should be very successful.
如果他能把自己的才能和勤奋结合起来, 必定会很有成就。
come up with想出, 提出
例句:I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.

6. For example, higher temperatures are expected to shorten growing seasons in the tropics.

for example 例如, 譬如
例句:I know many women who have a career and a family—Kehr for example.
be expected to被期待做某事
例句:They are expected to act according to circumstances.

7. He notes that some of the countries most sensitive to climate change and least able to cope with it, also have among the highest rates of population growth, which puts yet another strain on their food security.

sensitive to对…敏感
例句:She is sensitive to criticism.
cope with对付, 处理
例句:Do not imagine that you can cope with all the problems.

8. "I think that really pushes the need for increasing funding, not only for research but for outreach efforts to develop mitigation, but also adaptation strategies.

not only… but also… 不但….而且…
例句:He is not only kindness but also munificence.

8. Experts say those strategies include switching to more drought- and heat-tolerant crops, better water management techniques and insurance for crops and livestock to help farmers cope with the climate changes expected during the coming decades.

switch to切换到;转到,转变成
例句:Shall we switch to another channel?