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1. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said he came to Sierra Leone to follow up on his initiatives to help the country.

follow up跟着; 追逐; 继续
例句:The chairman followed up with another question.

2. Some of those priorities have to do with health care some to do with agriculture and energy, and of course investments and business.

have to do with与…有关
例句:Tears have nothing to do with sadness.

3. We want more businesses to come into Sierra Leone to base themselves here to create jobs to create health for the people because we need to get the living standards of the country lifted.

come into进入
例句:Would you come into the bar and have a drink with me?

4. My message is come and invest," said the former prime minister, "but to do so in a good way in a way that would help us with the development of the country.

help with帮助(某人)做…
例句:He's helping with odd jobs.

5. You know you see this in everywhere in Africa right now there is a buzz about it and an energy and we got to convert that into practical business and jobs and development.

convert into把…转变成,把…转化为
例句:The old barn we bought to convert into flats was practically tumbling down.

6. The former British Prime Minister said he is also looking at ways the religious community can join in the fight against malaria.

look at看, 注视
例句:My work hasn't been looked at for a week.
join in参加, 加入
例句:They came out for their morning exercise. I also joined in.
他们出去做早操, 我也参加了。

7. This is part of a project where we fight malaria by mobilizing the resources and the infrastructure of the faith community so that people know how to tackle malaria, how to use the bed nets that are made available to them, how to take the right drugs how to seek the most appropriate treatment.

so that以便
例句:I will give you all the facts so that you can judge for yourself.

8. "So the idea," he said, "is you spread this out, and we hope to reach somewhere in the region of 70,000 families [by doing this] and if it works then we can start expanding this in different parts of Africa.”

spread out (使)散开;扩展
例句:They're spreading out in the market.

9. “Well I was in Abuja a couple of days ago myself," he said.

a couple of 两个, 几个
例句:There are a couple of possibilities.

10. I am afraid this extremism is here in many parts of the world, and we’ve got to face up to it and we’ve got to deal with it.

face up to勇敢地接受〔面对〕, 正视(而不畏缩)
例句:We must face up to our responsibilities and not try to get out of them.
我们必须勇敢地担当起我们的责任, 而不应当试图推卸责任。
deal with应付, 处理; 对待
例句:He must deal with many difficulties.