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1. The flooding was so severe that the U.S. Corps of Engineers, which supervises national flood-control efforts, took the nearly uNPRecedented step of opening giant floodgates to keep high water from reaching Baton Rouge, the capital city of Louisiana, and the major port of New Orleans.

so… that如此…以至
例句:He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch up with him.
take step采取措施
例句:He says he will take step to tighten up the administration
keep from阻止; 免于
例句:Urgent business kept me from attending the meeting.

2. Whether to hold back the river or let it flood is a longstanding issue on the Mississippi - one that crystallizes each spring in the city of Davenport, Iowa.

hold back阻碍, 阻止
例句:They built dykes and dam to hold back the rising flood waters.

3. Parts of it are submerged during floods, but it’s by design.

by design故意地; 蓄意地
例句:Do you think he did this by design?

4. The city has chosen not to build floodwalls, instead, turning the lowest-lying parts in town into floodable parkland.

turn into (使)变成
例句:The old building was turned into a library.

5. It provides sandbags to the few residential and business areas that take on some water during severe flooding.

take on呈现,穿上; 承担
例句:The old factory has taken on a new look.

6. But officials say dikes upstream from the city already act like a sluice, causing the river to flow even faster, deeper, and more dangerously through their town.

act like充当,用作,当作,起…的作用;做
例句:That sofa also acts like a bed.

7. If they built levees, Davenporters say, smaller communities below would have to do the same - and so on, all the way down the river.

and so on等等
例句:She spends her day doing housework, watching television, reading, and so on.
all the way一路上, 一直; 完全
例句:We can go all the way by motorboat.

8. So Davenport takes its floods in stride and lets the mighty river do what rivers do from time to time.

from time to time不时, 偶尔, 间或,有时
例句:I can see Hieks at the library from time to time.