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1. The space shuttle Atlantis is preparing for the final mission of the U.S. shuttle program next month. 

space shuttle航天飞机
prepare for (使)为…作准备
例句:We should prepare well for the negotiations.

2. "I think, and we have not talked about this, each of us feel extra burdened to make sure we put on the best possible face forward for the last go around of this, and the crew is very prepared," said Ferguson.

talk about讨论; 谈论
例句:We talked about what to do.
put on穿上, 戴上; 把…放在…上
例句:The trees have put on their new coats of green.
go around转动, 旋转, 运转; 眩晕
例句:The water wheel goes around and around.

3. "We are going to go out and do a very fantastic job."

go out 走出, 出去; 出国
例句:Don't go out after dark.

4. Ferguson, Pilot Doug Hurley and mission specialists Sandy Magnus and Rex Walheim will deliver spare parts and supplies to the International Space Station during their flight.

spare parts 零部件,配件
例句:He bought a large quantity of spare parts.

5. Atlantis is scheduled to liftoff July 8 and Ferguson says he expects the final landing to be a poignant moment for everyone involved with the shuttle program.

be scheduled to预定,预期;计划做
例句:You are scheduled to meet the president at ten.
involve with与(某人)有密切关系
例句:I don't want my son to be involved with criminals.

6. "Like I said, when it is all over at the very end I think that is when the enormity of it is going to hit us," added Ferguson.

at the very end 正是在…的末期、末端
例句:Her bed at the very end the ward , near a cracked window thickened with grime .

7. "You know that last wheel stop call is going to be a little tough."

be going to 要,会,将要
例句:He is going to buy a dictionary.

8. NASA expects to start testing the shuttle's replacement, the Orion spacecraft, with astronauts on board sometime in 2013.

on board在船〔火车, 飞机, 汽车〕上
例句:When all passengers were on board, the train pulled out of the station.
所有乘客都上车后, 火车开出了车站。