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Times Square gets even crazier in the summer, so to have the…the courage and the vision to say: "Let's…Let’s create a moment to just chill.” People oftentimes think that yoga is more something that

you find in Los Angeles or San Francisco, and what is amazing is there such a thriving yoga community here, as is purely shown by the fact that already today we've had over 2000 people show up to practice yoga in the tourist attraction center of the universe-Times Square.

"Please lift your right leg up interlocked ten fingers, thumbs included in the grip, grab your leg two inches below the knee on the shin, which is the fun part of your leg."

"We organize the New Year's Eve celebration, which is during the winter sources. This is a different kind of event, not crazy and loud, but calm and grounding."

some doing that types, unless you're as a bow and then you better act now and play hard.

"We were celebrating the sun, they were celebrating the first day of Summer and it’s still that exciting feeling, maybe not like the New Year's Eve, but absolutely awesome."

"I've practiced yoga in many, many places, but so far this is the most amazing feeling you could ever imagine and have. To be in the busiest of all cities in the world, it's breathtaking."

"There is… People going by, these tour buses going by, people taking pictures of us, people yelling."

"It is easy to be calm in the middle of beautiful natural environment, it is much harder in the busy urban lives to stay, saying, the same grounded and naturalize ourselves. So if they can do it here as we say, they can do it anywhere."

"Anybody can find peace at the top of a mountain, but to find real peace in the middle of Times Square, the middle of all of that, that's when you really know that you are centered and can find peace"