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Alibaba Group, the only Chinese top-tier sponsor of the Olympic Games, will seek to help the sporting event undergo a digital transformation through the use of its most advanced cloud computing technology.


Digitalising the Games will enable closer interactions between fans and athletes and help ensure that the sporting event continues to be successful, Alibaba founder and executive chairman Jack Ma Yun said on Saturday at the opening of the company’s technology showcase in Pyeongchang, South Korea, where the 2018 Winter Games are being held.

阿里巴巴创始人兼执行董事长马云周六在韩国平昌举行的技术展示会上表示,数字化奥运将促进观众和运动员之间的密切互动,并帮助确保体育赛事继续取得成功。 2018年冬季奥运会正在韩国平昌举行。

“Our long-term partnership with the Olympic Games is the ultimate showcase for Alibaba, both in terms of what we stand for as a company and how we can use our technology to reimagine the Olympic Games for the digital era,” Ma said. “We believe the future has a better solution for the Olympic Games to keep its prosperity”.

马云表示:“我们与奥运的长期合作伙伴关系是阿里巴巴的终极展示,无论是作为公司的立场,还是我们如何利用我们的技术为奥运数字时代重新构想。 我们相信未来有更好的解决办法使奥运保持繁荣。”

Alibaba is sponsoring popular sporting events such as the Olympics and soccer tournaments to raise its global profile. The Hangzhou-based company counts almost 600 million people using its shopping apps every month and has operations in more than 200 countries.


Alibaba set up a sports arm in 2015 to promote sports and in 2016 announced it will invest US$100 million over the next 10 years to popularise rugby in China. In November 2017, soccer’s world governing body Fifa named Alibaba Cloud as the official presenting partner for the Fifa Club World Cup until 2022.

阿里巴巴于2015年成立体育部门,以推广体育运动,并于2016年宣布将在未来10年投资1亿美元在中国推广橄榄球。 2017年11月,足球世界管理机构国际足联将阿里云列为国际足联俱乐部世界杯官方合作伙伴,直到2022年。

“Alibaba’s partnership with IOC could significantly enhance its brand influence as well as the internationalisation of its cloud and e-commerce business,” said Charlie Dai, a principal analyst at Forrester. The tie-up also helps IOC with its reforms of the Games, he said.


Alibaba, which has a long-term partnership with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) through 2028, unveiled on Saturday its Cloud ET Sports Brain, a suite of cloud-based and artificial intelligence (AI) based services.


Those applications will be used by the Olympics to better manage events, including access control, security and crowd management. Costs will come down significantly as computers do the jobs that were previously handled by humans.


As part of the partnership, Alibaba can sell authorised Olympic-related merchandise and promote the international event through its various platforms.


The tie-up with Alibaba will allow the Games to become more sustainable and popular, IOC president Thomas Bach said at the Alibaba event.


“Sometimes we see that we have billions of fans during the Olympic Games but after the games the interest is declining,” he said.


The 2018 Winter Olympics opening ceremony was held a day earlier.
