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1. Ever wonder why foods that are bad for you - such as fat-laced potato chips and French fries - taste so good?

be bad for对……有害
例句:Candy is bad for your teeth.

2. It turns out they follow the same pleasure-inducing biochemical pathways through the body as marijuana does, encouraging people to keep eating even when they know they should stop.

turn out结果是, 原来是
例句:The day turned out (to be) a fine day.

3. There used to be an old television commercial in the United States that boasted a certain brand of potato chip tasted so good, you could never eat just one.

used to过去一向,过去时常;过去曾(而现在不再)做
例句:John used to smoke.

4. As a result, says Daniele Piomelli at the University of California, Irvine, humans developed a biological preference for fatty foods.

as a result结果, 因此
例句:As a result, he had to leave.

5. We have fat in our refrigerators, in our cabinets in the kitchen and it is very easy for us to eat too much of it because of this long evolution that has taught us that it is rare and hard to find.

because of因为, 由于
例句:It was because of the job that he had taken the flat.

6. Piomelli's team has discovered a biological pathway that encouraged ancient humans to eat large quantities of the scarce nutrient - whenever they found it - to ensure their survival.

large quantities of大量...
例句:They captured large quantities of arms and ammunition.

7. Today, eating fat still provokes feelings of pleasure and satisfaction, similar to the high people get when smoking marijuana.

similar to跟...类似, 与...同样
例句:They are similar in appearance.

8. Piomelli's team discovered the fat pathway in research with rats. The rats didn’t like sugar water or water laced with protein as much as they liked oily water.

lace with在…加入
例句:She laced his brandy with coffee.

9. But since fats contain more calories than carbohydrates or proteins combined, waiting for satiety, or fullness, is not necessarily the best strategy to limit consumption of fatty foods.

wait for等待, 等候
例句:She waited for the cat to jump before she made up her mind.

10. Piomelli says researchers are interested in developing drugs that target endocannabinoids in the digestive tract to help people with their fatty food cravings.

be interested in对…感兴趣
例句:They are interested in fair tales.
help with帮助(某人)做…
例句:He's helping with odd jobs.