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1. Friday's attacks have been linked to far-right Norwegian zealot Anders Behring Breivik.

link to与…连接; 联系
例句:Fingerprints linked the suspect to the crime.

2. He said Friday's attacks will bring more political engagement to Norway.

bring to使用于…; 使加入, 参与…
例句:How much experience does he bring this specialized work to?

3. But political analysts say the gunman's opinions, which seem to have motivated him, are in line with many among Europe's extreme right.

in line with跟…一致, 符合,按照
例句:The new proposal is in line with our general line.

4. The text rants against Marxism, multiculturalism and globalization, and warns of what he calls an Islamic Demographic Warfare.

warn of发出关于…的警告
例句:The weather station warned of severe snowfalls ahead.

5. He calls for a crusade to defend his idea of Europe.

call for要求,需要,提倡
例句:The letter calls for an investigation of the facts.

6. An expert in European right-wing extremism at London's Kingston University, Andrea Mammone, says Breivik's ideas are consistent with many on the extreme right in Europe.

be consistent with与...一致
例句:These actions are consistent with his principles.

7. K. Biswas from the magazine, the New Internationalist, says a tide has turned over the past decade.

turn over (使)翻转; 调转
例句:If you turn over a turtle on its back, it will become helpless.
假如你把海龟翻过来, 它就无能为力了。

8. They have had an effect on the language used by mainstream politicians.

have an effect on对…有影响;对…起作用,产生效果
例句:Alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on your body. 

9. Across Europe, the far right has joined in the outrage against Breivik.

join in参加, 加入
例句:They came out for their morning exercise. I also joined in.
他们出去做早操, 我也参加了。

10. Extreme politics can be a dangerous starting point, but, he says, the path does not necessarily lead to violent extremism.

lead to导致, 引起
例句:In given conditions, a bad thing can lead to good results.
在一定条件下, 一件坏事可以导致好的结果。