Sometimes I think that if I could change the world,and run everything the way I want, then the world would be a better place. I'm a good guy. I have good intentions.I want the best for everyone; so it sounds like a good plan, right?Why not just make me the king of the world?I would have the smartest people in the world serving in my cabinet to solve all the important issues that I don't know much about. The rest will work itself out.
有时我想,如果我能改变整个世界,按我的方式管理所有的事情,那么这个世界将会变得更好。我是个好人。我的意图也不坏。我希望每个人都能过得最好,这听起 来是个很好的计划,不是吗?为什么不就让我当世界之王呢?我将让世上最聪明的人们在我的内阁服务,帮我解决所有我不太懂的重要问题。而其余的事也会迎刃而解。
The truth of the matter is that we've all had that thought in our minds at one point or another. It's our ego's naturalyearning. If only I got my way. If only I ruled the world. An even greater truth is that none of us is going to become the king of the world anytime soon. It would probably be a very lonely job, anyway. Too many responsibilities, too much on one person's shoulders.

So how do we go about changing the world if we don't have supremereign over everything? The bad news is that it's still our individual responsibility. Despite not being the kings of the world, the changes we make as individuals can and will impact the rest of the world if executedwith great precision and passion.
I am convinced that we can create the most change in the world by concentrating our resources where we can have the most potential impact. This focus, unlike spreading our resources thin, allows us to have a more direct impact on individuals. The part of the world in which we make the most impact, whether we like it or not, is within our families and small circles of friends. We may be successful in converting our family into believers, and they may even turn out to be our biggest group of supporters, or not.
我相信我们将力量集中在受我们潜在影响最大的地方就能给世界带来最大的变化。这种集中,而不是将我们的力量平摊开来,可以使我们对每个人产生更直接的影 响。这世上我们影响最大的地方,不论你喜不喜欢,就是在我们的家庭中、在我们的朋友圈中。我们或许能成功地将我们的家人转化为信徒,他们甚至会变为我们最 大的支援团,但或许也不能。
The point, however, does not lie in the way they treat us,but rather it's in our behavior, and the actions we exhibit from our end; the way we treat them! Being able to express compassion, patience, love, and understanding for the people in our families, despite opposing views belief systems, allows us to expand our ability to empathize with others.
达成这一点的关键并不在于他们如何对待我们,而在于我们自己的行为和我们采取的行动,在于我们对待他们的方式! 不论观点和信仰是否对立,都要能向家人表示同情、耐心、关爱和理解,这样做能帮我们增强对他人的移情能力。
These abilities, which in my opinion are critical in interpersonal relationships, will become ingrainedin us as second nature. The fact that we have such a high level of influence on the people closest to us, our families and close friends, will make them more susceptibleto picking up on these behaviors and adopting them as their very own.
这种能力,在我看来,对人际关系来说至关重要, 它也将根植于我们身上成为我们的第二天性。我们对亲近的人(我们的家人和好友)拥有的高度影响力会使他们更易于熟悉这种行为,并接受它使之成为他们自己的行为。
Thus, we spread compassion, patience, love and understanding. From one person leading by example to another. Taking Impact to The Next Level While transforming the world for our own families can be very fulfilling, many of our egos will strivefor prolificchange in the world. In one sense, our egos' mission is to conquer the world. Whether it conquers it with a message of love or destruction depends on the individual ego.
You may think that family does not need to be a first step, and that you are perfectly capable of changing the entire world without such a close social bond. You'll soon find out that human beings do not operate on such a paradigm. Whether blood related or not, people tend to gravitate to others, and eventually form a family unit. It's a survival mechanism.
This is why I say to first work on yourself, then your family, and then the rest of the world. From this powerful core and support system you will have better resources, mental, material, and spiritual, in order to make breakthroughs with hundreds, thousands, or millions of people around the globe.
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