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1. Egyptian officials are making last-minute preparations for the televised trial of ex- President Hosni Mubarak, his two sons and several other former top officials.

make preparation for为……作准备
例句:He didn't make enough preparation for his exam, and failed.
他考试前没有充分准备, 结果不及格。

2. "I personally will make sure that I am in front of a tv screen," said publisher Hisham Kassem, a prominent critic of the former government.

in front of 在…前面
例句:My view of the stage was blocked by the big hat of the woman sitting in front of me.
我的视线被坐在前排妇女的大帽子遮住了, 看不见舞台。

3. If the trial goes according to script, Mubarak, his influential sons Gamal and Alaa, former Interior Minister Habib al-Adly and six security officials will appear in court locked in an iron cage. 

according to根据, 按照
例句:Fill up the form according to the instructions.
lock in将…锁〔包围〕在里面
例句:I locked him in by mistake.

4. But on the streets of Cairo, some argue the seriousness of the alleged crimes wipes away any such sentiments.

wipe away擦掉, 清除
例句:He wiped away the grease from the windshield of the car.

5. As the army this week cleared out the last remnants of another protest in Tahrir Square, one man nearby said he hoped Mubarak gets the strongest sentence possible - the death penalty.

clear out清除, 清理掉
例句:Clear out things in this cupboard, please.

6. Perceptions that the army leadership could yet still protect the Mubaraks, combined with frustrations at the slow pace of reforms and continued economic hardships, have chipped away at the military's popularity in recent months.

combine with与…结合
例句:If your talent combines with diligence, you can excel in your pursuit.
如果你把天赋与勤奋结合起来, 你所追求的事业便会出类拔萃。
chip away at削弱;损害;一点点地除掉
例句:The manager kept chipping away at the problem until he had solved it.

7. He says he's had enough with the protests, and argues it's time to look after the country's interests.

look after关注;为…操心
例句:He only looks after his own interests.

8. He says the state has made it clear it intends to move forward, and points to the trial as an example.

move forward前进
例句:As the basis for unity becomes stronger, our work will move forward. 
point to表明; 显示…的位置〔方向〕
例句:All the signs at the moment point to an early resumption of the fighting between the two countries.

9. "With the revolutionaries and the countries where there was uprising, it is going to be a serious boost for them seeing that one of the most powerful dictators in the region is finally behind bars and brought down by his own people," he said.

bring down 击败,使失败,使倒台
例句:This scandal may well bring the president down at the next election.