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1. Thirteen years ago, U.S. President Bill Clinton, who was embroiled in a sex scandal, famously answered a grand jury question by saying, “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.

embroil in使(自己或某人)卷入,使牵连
例句:He embroiled himself in their argument.
depend on取决于, 随…而定
It depends on the weather.

2. But seeking such ultra-careful interpretations of ordinary words in legal settings may be catching on.

catch on 理解; 变得流行
例句:It took me a long time to catch on to the directions.

3. In courtrooms across the country, judges themselves are digging deep into the meaning of everyday words.

dig into调查, 刻苦钻研
例句:The detectives are digging into this whole business.

4. And judges in lower courts have thumbed through dictionaries to ponder the best definition of the words “now,” “any,” and “if.”

thumb through翻查
例句:He thumbed through the book again to look for the bookmark.

5. J. Gordon Christy, a Mississippi College School of Law professor, grumbles that “We are treated to the truly absurd spectacle of august justices and judges arguing over which unreliable dictionary and which unreliable dictionary definition should be deemed authoritative.”

argue over就…争论〔辩论〕
例句:They are arguing vociferously over who should pay the bill.

6. In 1995, for instance, Justice Clarence Thomas consulted dictionaries published in 1773, 1789, and 1796 to try to determine exactly what the framers of the U.S. Constitution meant by the word “commerce.”

for instance例如, 比如
例句:You cannot rely on her; for instance, she arrived an hour late for an important meeting yesterday.
她这人靠不住, 例如昨天一个重要会议, 她迟到了一个小时。

7. One of two things appears to be at work.

appear to似乎,好像
例句:She appeared not to have heard what he had said.