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1. So far, I'm very excited to work for this Universiade.

work for为…而工作
例句:Leaders of many nations are still working for peace.

2. Huang Yuanbin, Deputy Director of the Beach Volleyball Volunteer's office, says he has heard many touching stories from the volunteers.

hear from从…听到
例句:I afterwards heard from him that this was not the case.

3. She is responsible for moving all the equipment to the court and then carry it back.

be responsible for为…负责,形成…的原因
例句:The bad weather is responsible for the small attendance.
carry back还回; 送回
例句:Please carry the books back.

4. We divide all the volunteers into two shifts to avoid the high temperature

divide into分成; 分为
例句:Divide the cake into quarters and share it equally.
把蛋糕分成四份, 大家平均享用。

5. However, she agreed to work all the day from 06:30 in the morning to 19:30 in the evening because of the job requirements.

agree to同意, 赞成, 同意照办
例句:He agreed to our sending Jack to Hong Kong.
because of因为, 由于
例句:I came back because of the rain.
因为下雨, 所以我回来了。

6. She says while organizers suggest that volunteers work no more than 8 hours a day, most of them end up staying on the job for much longer.

end up结束
例句:You will end up in debt if you keep on spending money like that.