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1. The United Nations recently declared Internet access to be a human right. But in the United States, as in many other countries, millions of people do not have access to the wealth of information found online.

access to有权使用;到某地的通道
例句:Students need easy access to books.

2. In Philadelphia, communities are responding to narrow the digital divide.

respond to对…作出反应〔回答〕
例句:The woman conductor kindly responded to my question.

3. It serves as a transitional residence for homeless single women and their children.

serve as充当, 担任
例句:We found that birch bark could serve as paper.

4. The dozens of families it serves had no in-house computer access until last week, when the city opened a computer lab in the center.

dozens of很多
例句:There are rumors in the air that dozens of people died in the fire.

5. Philadelphia city officials estimate 41 percent of residents cannot afford computers or to pay for Internet access.

pay for为…付钱
例句:How much did you pay for the book?

6. Nutter has added technology improvements to Philadelphia’s most recent infrastructure plan, which typically maps out future transportation and utility systems, housing developments and public buildings.

map out筹划〔安排〕某事; 详细提出某事
例句:She mapped out her ideas on the new project.

7. So important that, over the next two years, Philadelphia plans to set up 48 computer centers - like the one at the People’s Emergency Center - in other shelters, recreation centers and libraries.

set up建立,建造, 创立, 竖立
例句:Plenty of foreign firms have set up factories here.

8. “What started out as a digital divide, where at that time we were dealing with public access to computers and the Internet, has turned into a movement to advance digital inclusion and digital equality," says Lee, "that allows citizens to really realize the full benefit of how this tool and platform can improve the quality of their life.”

start out开始〔着手〕做
例句:He started out to write a novel.
turn into(使)变成
例句:Her bitter experience has turned her into a stronger person.

9. Other U.S. cities are also taking steps to close the digital divide.

take steps采取措施
例句:They took steps to prevent the spread of influenza.

10. Minneapolis participates in a Computer Exchange Program that gives refurbished computers to low income families.

participate in分担; 参加
例句:The people are demanding a chance to participate more in government.