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1. No, there are other, more obscure offenses that could get you in trouble.

get in trouble惹上麻烦
例句:If you do not abide by the traffic regulations, you will get in trouble.

2. Really, at least according to warnings that are flying all over the Internet.

at least至少
例句:He smoked at least half a packet of cigarettes a day.
according to根据, 按照
例句:You've been in prison three times according to our records.
根据我们的记录, 你曾入狱三次。

3. Tease a skunk in Minnesota, and they can haul you off to jail.

haul off拉走
例句:The protesters were hauled off to jail.

4. If these silly old laws are real, why not get rid of them?

get rid of除掉, 去掉;摆脱
例句:How to get rid of these things is a big problem.

5. You stand up and proclaim that it’s high time to do away with the law that makes it illegal to blow your nose in public.

do away with废除, 消灭, 去掉
例句:They did away with the law.

6. And a lot of old laws, if they really exist, have to do with sex, religious beliefs, and cuddly animals.

do with与…有关
例句:I am not involved in it; it has nothing to do with me.
我与这事没有牵连; 它与我无关。

7. So some interest group would get involved if you made a fuss.

get involved参与,卷入
例句:He didn't want to get involved in it.

8. Turns out that in the heyday of railroading all over the nation, crews used to spread salt in the wintertime.

turn out结果是, 原来是
例句:It turned out that he was never there.