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First though, are newspapers dying? Are traditional TV broadcasters living on borrowed time? Do we face a future of digital diversity or a media maelstrom where niche broadcasters fight tooth and nail for every slice of advertising revenue? Well, these are just some of the questions which we'll be looking at this week in a series of special reports on how the media landscape is changing. I've been out and about talking to new media barons, meeting with advertising gurus, fringe broadcasters and the next generation of programme makers. But we'll start with radio and specifically, shortwave radio. This was the technology which first made international broadcasting over huge distances possible. It was used for decades by the BBC World Service, the voice of America and Radio Moscow. Nowadays though, it's rather fallen out of fashion with many broadcasters having drastically cut back their shortwave transmissions or abandoned them altogether. So is it doomed to disappear altogether or does it have a future in the digital era? Well, to find out we sent our reporter Lucy Burton to visit Radio Romania, which still broadcasts on shortwave.


Do you recognise this sound? It's shortwave radio and some of the biggest announcements of the 20th century were heard at the crackles and hiss of these radio waves. Twiddling the dials you could learn about crises, coups and the Cold War. But as technology advances, the future for this once vital method of communication looks uncertain.