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1. Leaders of Libya's uprising were in Paris Thursday with delegates from 60 countries and world bodies to discuss a roadmap for Libya's humanitarian, political and economic future, even as ex-leader Moammar Gadhafi, in hiding, vowed to fight on.

fight on在(某方面)反对(某人); 在…作战
例句:I'll fight you on that question.

2. Thursday marked 42 years since Moammar Gadhafi took power in Libya.

take power当权,执政; 取得政权
例句:The usurper took power by force .

3. But with the longtime ruler now on the run - in an audio message aired Thursday he promised no surrender - world backers of the uprising against him met to plan rebuilding the country along new lines.

on the run奔逃, 逃跑
例句:He would tell his parents nothing about his life on the run or how he escaped from England.

4. "The other thing of course that it provides today - that the conference provides - is an opportunity for the National Transitional Council to set out their plans for the stabilization of Libya and then what they do politically to create a democratic and inclusive Libya," noted Hague.

set out 着手, 开始
例句:The government has set out to make many needed reforms.

5. Juppe said that the international community didn't intervene in Libya for it to fall into another regime that wouldn't respect the fundamental rights of the Libyan people.

fall into掉进, 陷入
例句:Don't let it fall into the hands of the enemy.

6. The NTC is set to push for access to billions of dollars in foreign-held Libyan assets, which were frozen while Gadhafi held power. 

push for急切、强烈地要求, 为…奋力争取
例句:People living near the airport are pushing for new rules about night flight.

7. The NTC was also set to lay out plans for a new constitution and elections.

lay out展示;摆出
例句:He laid out his views in a speech this afternoon

8. So this is a crucial period. If the NTC doesn't manage to do these things quickly then it definitely will suffer from a lack of legitimacy.

suffer from受……之苦;受……之害
例句:Sometimes I still suffer from these weaknesses.
a lack of缺乏
例句:Water is a lack of this region.

9. She says much of the wrangling will take place in the corridors as countries jostle for post-war contracts over infrastructure, utilities, and oil.

take place发生; 举行
例句:The threatening strike did not take place after all.

10. "There is going to be some competition between those countries that have played a role in helping to get rid of Gadhafi feeling some sort of entitlement now that Gadhafi is gone and this reconstruction process is going to begin," added Pratt.

play a role in在...起作用
例句:The headmaster plays an important role in the good running of a school.
办好一所学校, 校长起重要作用。
get rid of除掉, 去掉;摆脱
例句:How to get rid of these things is a big problem.