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1. In addition to the controversy caused by debates regarding marriage and home ownership, the tax bureau of the city of Nanjing initially said that they'd require a tax to be levied when adding a spouse's name to a home ownership certificate, and the tax rate would be about three to four per cent of the property's value.

in addition to除…之外,还……
例句:In addition to French, he has to study Japanese.
add to增加, 添加
例句:I don't want to add to your troubles. 

2. After that, cities like Wuhan, Chengdu and Qingdao all said they would follow suit.

follow suit跟着做, 照着做
例句:Father bowed his head; she followed suit.
父亲点头, 她也跟着点头。

3. Whether adding a spouse's name on the house ownership certificate bestows property upon them, and thus should be taxed, is a matter with different explanations and understandings across the country.

bestow upon赠与
例句:Many books were bestowed upon her.

4. However, at the same time, they also admit that the ownership still belongs to the same family, which can be exempt.

belong to属于
例句:Does this house belong to Mr. Winter?

5. At the Property Management Bureau in Suzhou, the register lobby is crowded with spouses who have come to add names.

crowd with以…充〔挤〕满
例句:The bus was crowded with passengers.

6. I think females need to add their names in order to protect our benefits.

in order to为了
例句:We started early in order to arrive before dark.

7. According to the statistics from Chongqing, over the last two weeks, couples getting married have reduced by 30 percent, with more people applying for a single status certificate in order to protect their property before marriage.

apply for申请
例句:He applied for a passport.