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1. Recently, American Coffee brand Starbucks thought they could use a cultural icon to tap into the affections of the Chinese consumer in Hefei, Anhui Province.

tap into利用; 开发
例句:They made success by tapping into recent developments in technology.

2. Customers bought up 100 of expensive coffee mugs donning the face of Northern Song Dynasty Judge, Bao Zheng in less than two hours.

buy up全部买下
例句:A finance house made a bid to buy up the entire company.

3. However, the family was less than impressed with the foreign- looking face on the mug.

impress with把…印在…上; 因…获得好印象
例句:We were most impressed with your efficiency.

4. Starbucks was accused of 'cashing in on China's most upright official.'

accuse of指责, 控告
例句:He is accused of killing ten young women.
cash in兑换
例句:I'd like to cash this check in, please.

5. Chinese consumers like twenty-one year old Beijinger Xiong Yusi explain where brands may go wrong.

go wrong走错路,误入岐途,(机器等)发生故障
例句:The plan can not go wrong.

6. Roobin Golestan from Germany is the Head of Planning at DMG Beijing, a company specializing in branding, media, and advertising.

specialize in专攻, 精通, 以…为专业
例句:The cinema specializes in Italian films.

7. I think one of the mistakes that they made and many of the other brands as well is not paying attention to cultural things and especially foreign brands coming in and using cultural icons, it's always sensitive.

pay attention to注意
例句:No attention was paid to his advice.

8. Sports brands trying to mix cultural icons with Western athletes have also come under fire.

mix with (使)与…混〔结〕合
例句:We must mix work with adequate rest.
come under fire遭受各方责难
例句:The government has come under fire for its decision to close the mines.

9. Beijinger Xiong Yusi says some foreign brands stand out when she recalls the advertising she's seen over the years. Brands like McDonalds' and Coca Cola come to mind.

stand out超群, 杰出; 突出; 显眼, 引人注目
例句:She stands out as the best in the class.
come to mind想起,回忆起
例句:A number of possibilities come to mind.

10. We have a long history, and people tend to be very proud of our country and the history.

be proud of因…而自豪
例句:We are proud of you.