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卡扎菲发录音 誓言战胜反对派与北约

2011-09-29来源:SKY news

To all the Libyan people. The Libyan land belongs to you, and those who are trying to take it away from you are outsiders. They are mercenaries, they are dogs. They are trying to take over the land, but that is impossible. These people used to be spies for the Italians, now they are working for France. They are spies for France and Britain. They are all germs and rats.They are not Libyans. They are working with NATO, with France and with Britain to bomb the Libyan people and Libya, killing our children.

Capture them. The Libyan people are ready to defeat them, helped by the resistance. The Libyan people reject them. The youth in Tripoli and everywhere are ready to carry out attacks on the mercenaries. NATO will retreat, defeated. The Libyan people are marching in their millions, in the streets, in the cities, in the villages.

Lastly, they say Gaddafi has gone to Niger. How many times have convoys gone backwards and forwards across to Niger? Smugglers and people crossing, also into Sudan, Chad, Mali and Algeria. It's not the first time that people come and go. It is as if this is the first time that a convoy has gone to Niger.