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1. Scientists have taken another big step toward identifying the genetic flaws which may cause autism, a type of neurological development disorder.

take step采取措施
例句:They took steps to prevent the spread of influenza.

2. Researchers have known that certain genetic defects are associated with autism.

associate with与…交往, 联系
例句:The doctor was associated in the child's mind with injections and pains.
在孩子的心里, 医生总是使他联想到打针与疼痛。

3. One of the most common is known as a deletion, when a child inherits only one gene or group of genes, instead of the normally inherited pair, one from each parent.

be known as以…知名;被认为是
例句:He is known as a musician.
instead of (用…)代替…, (是…)而不是…, (用…)而不用…
例句:He has been playing all afternoon instead of getting on with his work.
他整个下午一直在玩, 没有继续工作。

4. In particular, there is a cluster of 27 genes on chromosome 16.

in particular尤其, 特别
例句:She likes fruit and tomatoes in particular.
她喜欢水果, 尤其是西红柿。

5. They have a number of features that are used to diagnose children with autism.

be used to do被用来做某事
例句:Zip codes are used to facilitate mail service. 

6. And previous research has linked the hypothalamus with some repetitive behaviors that are characteristic of autism.

link with将…与…连接〔系〕在一起
例句:High unemployment is not necessarily linked with the rise in prices.

7. There could be a network of interacting players, but I don't think there will be a single region [of the genome] that is responsible for all cases of autism, from what we're seeing.

be responsible for为…负责,形成…的原因
例句:The bad weather is responsible for the small attendance.

8. Still, putting together pieces of the genetic puzzle surrounding autism may help researchers understand the disorder better, and that might lead someday to new therapies.

put together组成整体
例句:It's easier to take a machine to pieces than to put it together again.
lead to导致, 引起
例句:In given conditions, a bad thing can lead to good results.
在一定条件下, 一件坏事可以导致好的结果。