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1. NATO officials say they are close to ending their nearly seven-month-long bombing campaign in Libya, designed to prevent forces loyal to former leader Moammar Gadhafi from attacking civilians.

prevent from阻止, 防止
例句:His prompt action prevented the fire from spreading.

2. The operation made it possible for the Libyan NTC fighters to take control of the country, but it also revealed some significant military and political challenges for the alliance.

take control of控制,掌管
例句:George took control of the business when his father died.

3. The operation has had some problems, but it has been an effective effort launched on short notice. 

launch on向…首次推出, 把引向…
例句:The musical theater company is about to launch a new performer on the musical world.

4. "I'd say the first lesson learned from Libya is that NATO works, that we can quickly with real alacrity and real strategic effect marshal force and bring it to bear in support, in this case, of United Nations Security Council resolutions," said Stavridis.

learn from向…学习; 从…获得〔吸取〕
例句:We should learn from his mistakes.
bring to使(某人)面临〔对付〕某种困难
But what has brought the company to such a pity condition since I last worked for it?
自从我最后一次为该公司工作以来, 什么原因使得公司落到这般可怜的境地?

5. "Few of the allies were actually prepared to participate in what, at least in opening phases, the saving of Benghazi, was surely one of the simplest geostrategic, moral, political decisions that one would have to take about whether to join an intervention or not," said Witney.

participate in 分担; 参加
例句:The people are demanding a chance to participate more in government.

6. Is it an alliance where we all fight together against common threats?

fight against与…作斗争〔争吵〕; 反对…
例句:We will have to fight against difficulties.

7. Or is it an alliance where smaller mini-coalitions within the alliance are able to do whatever they want while people stand back

stand back靠后站, 避开
例句:The policemen asked the spectators to stand well back.

8. But while Admiral Stavridis is eager for the alliance to close its capability gaps, he is not worried about its political unity.

worry about担忧, 烦恼
例句:He worried about how to make his living.

9. I don't think there was an existential threat posed by Libya, but in fact, the alliance stepped up, undertook this.

step up (使)增加, (使)加快速度
例句:Their salaries have been much stepped up.

10. I think that's a good example of the alliance being willing to take on missions that are beyond existential," Stavridis noted.

take on承担
例句:He is always ready to take on heavy responsibilities.