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1. A new study finds that women who have a mammogram every other year are less likely to get a suspicious result requiring additional testing as compared to women who have the breast cancer screening test every year.

compare to与…相比
例句:The writer was compared to Shakespeare.

2. And it turns out they do not have cancer.

turn out结果是, 原来是
例句:It turned out that he was never there.

3. "We found a very small increase in the probability of having a late-stage breast cancer for women screened every two years, but this was not statistically significant," she says, meaning it may have been due to chance alone.

due to 由于,因为
例句:Due to the extreme cold, we were unable to plant the trees.
由于天气很冷, 所以我们无法去植树。

4. A suspicious mammogram which prompts further testing may be scary, but Miglioretti stresses that the vast majority of women who are called back for more imaging or even a biopsy do not have breast cancer.

call back叫(某人)回来〔去〕
例句:Call the girl back; she's left her book behind.
把女孩叫回来, 她忘记把书带走了。

5. In a separate study in the same issue of that journal, researchers compared digital mammography with traditional film.

compare with (把…)与…相比
例句:My knowledge is not to be compared with yours.