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1. "It wasn't like it was just me. I have four little ones following and looking up to me," Usher says.

look up to抬头看(某人或某物); 尊重〔敬仰〕(某人)
例句:Children should look up to their parents.

2. So, it was scary. I felt like I didn't have anywhere to turn to.

turn to (把注意力等)转向
例句:More and more people turn to computer science.

3. Last year I was contributing to the Salvation Army, but now I'm coming to the Salvation Army to ask for help myself.

contribute to捐助;帮助
例句:How much did you contribute to the relief fund?
ask for请求…, 要求…
例句:The miners are asking for another increase in pay.

4. Donors are experiencing fatigue because they've helped pitch in during this great time of need over the past three years, and they're at a point when they may not be able to give at higher levels any longer.

pitch in加入, 投入
例句:If everyone pitches in, we'll soon have the job finished.
要是人人动手, 这工作马上就能完成。

5. So we've got to raise nine million meals in 60 days. For us that is a huge challenge.

have got to不得不;必须
例句:I have got to see to the doctor.

6. So our organization has grown drastically in terms of our ability to serve this community in ways we never thought possible and we're proud of that

in terms of就…而言, 从…方面说来
例句:He referred to your work in terms of high praise.
be proud of因…而自豪
例句:He was proud of having such a good friend.

7. They realize now that you cherish what you have and you don't take it for granted.

take for granted认为…理所当然, 想当然
例句:We shouldn't take anything for granted.

8. It’s a trait that they, and the charities that serve them, will likely call on often as the American economy recovers at a glacial pace.

call on要求, 请求, 号召
例句:He called on his friends to help him.