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1. She explains the popularity of hutong-style homes among foreigners, and the value of hutong-homes in terms of providing a window to observe Chinese culture.

in terms of就…而言, 从…方面说来
例句:He referred to your work in terms of high praise.

2. And they come back every year, we've become old friends.

come back回来
例句:I'm going away and I may never come back.
我要走了, 可能永远不再回来。

3. The owners and their guests ate together, drank beer together, joked around, and made lasting friendships with one another.

joke around开玩笑
例句:John wanted to talk turkey, but Jane just wanted to joke around.

4. Although it's a courtyard hotel, it's built with the configuration of a star-rated hotel in mind, combined with the traditional style of a Beijing dwelling.

combine with与…结合
例句:If he can combine his ability with hard work, he should be very successful.
如果他能把自己的才能和勤奋结合起来, 必定会很有成就。

5. Most of these hotels, however, have fewer than 10 beds available, which puts them at a disadvantage in their efforts to achieve a star rating, regardless of the elaborate decorations and excellent service on offer.

regardless of不管, 不顾
例句:I shall go regardless of the weather.

6. There must be some new standards and promotional methods adopted after coming together.

come together聚会, 相见
例句:The family must come together for the parents' silver wedding.