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1. At Sherwood Heights Elementary School in Auburn, Laurie Gerard prepares her class for a session on the iPads.

prepare for (使)为…作准备
Right now they are preparing themselves for the Olympic Games.

2. As the school year progresses, Gerard plans to use various iPad applications to come up with individualized learning plans for each student.

come up with想出;提供
例句:He came up with good ideas for the product promotion.

3. Daniel Fitzgerald, 5, plays an interactive word game, trying to spell his name out using the iPad. "My favorite thing for the iPad is activities.

spell out拼出, 读出
例句:Could you spell the word out for me?

4. Sherwood Heights principal Laura Shaw says iPads also provide children with immediate feedback.

provide with给…提供;以…装备
例句:Somehow she managed to provide her children with food and clothing.

5. “When you have 18 kids in the classroom and you see 10 kids, hands raised up, the teacher does her best to get around," she says.

get around四处走动;往来各地
例句:It's easy in this city to get around by bus.

6. They know what they've done is correct and they can move on, or they know 'Oh, I need to ask for help.'”

move on继续前进, 继续进行, 往前走
We talked about these for a while and then moved on to another house.
我们谈了一会儿之后, 就前往另一家去了。
ask for请求…, 要求…
例句:We often asked the veteran workers for advice.

7. Nearly 300 kindergarteners in Auburn are taking part in the iPad program this year.

take part in参加…, 参与…活动
例句:John takes part in many school activities.

8. One of our literacy interventionists was working with several of her students, and having a hard time with helping them be successful, she finally pulled out her own personal iPad and had them work on some apps for letter recognition and letter formation

pull out拔出
例句:Vargas pulled out his gun.

9. There is a precedent for that. Nine years ago, Maine became the first in the nation to equip its middle school students with laptop computers, a program which now expands to about half of Maine’s high schools.

equip with用…装备;使具备;为…准备
例句:We should equip our child with a good education.

10. Soloway also has his doubts about how useful the iPads are when it comes to teaching 5-year olds.

when it comes to当提到……;当谈到……;当涉及到……
例句:She is lazy when it comes to schoolwork.