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1. Addressing the National Democratic Institute in Washington, Clinton conceded that the United States has not always pushed reform hard enough, and too often has accepted the notion advanced by Middle East autocrats that supporting them was the only way to fend off extremism.

fend off挡开;避开
例句:The politician fended off the question.

2. It is true in Yemen, where President [Ali Abdullah] Saleh has reneged repeatedly on his promises to transition to democracy and suppressed his people’s rights and freedoms.

renege on违约,食言
例句:He has never reneged on a promise.

3. Clinton said that if power in Egypt remains in the hands of a few unelected officials, the country will have missed a historic opportunity and planted the seeds for future unrest.

in the hands of在…掌握中;交托给;由…处理[负责];被…控制
例句:His fate lies in the hands of the jury.

4. Clinton reiterated Washington's call for the Syrian leader to step down and said that until he does, the United States and world community will continue to increase pressure on him and what she termed “his brutal regime.”

step down辞职,下台
例句:The manager had to step down on account of poor health.
那位经理由于身体不好, 只能辞职不干。

5. The secretary of state also castigated Syria’s main diplomatic ally, Iran, accusing the government there of “breathtaking” hypocrisy by claiming to support democracy abroad, while killing peaceful protestors on the streets of Tehran.

accuse of指责, 谴责; 控告
例句:We accused him of taking bribes.

6. Clinton said the United States is prepared to work with elected Islamist parties provided, among other things, they abide by the rule of law, respect the rights of women and minorities, and let go of power if defeated at the polls.

abide by遵守, 信守
例句:You must abide by what you have said.