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阿尔及利亚将1.3万难民赶至撒哈拉沙漠 任其自生自灭


Algeria has abandoned more than 13,000 people in the Sahara Desert over the past 14 months, including pregnant women and children, expelling them without food or water and forcing them to walk, sometimes at gunpoint, under a blistering sun. Some never make it out alive.


"Women were lying dead, men... Other people got missing in the desert because they didn’t know the way," said Janet Kamara, who was pregnant at the time.


"Everybody was just on their own."


"I lost my son, my child," said Kamara, who is Liberian.


Algeria’s mass expulsions have picked up since October 2017, as the European Union renewed pressure on North African countries to head off migrants and refugees going north to Europe via the Mediterranean Sea or the barrier fences with Spain.


An EU spokesperson said the EU was aware of what Algeria was doing, but that "sovereign countries" can expel migrants and refugees as long as they comply with international law.


The Sahara is a swift killer that leaves little evidence behind. The IOM has estimated that for every person known to have died crossing the Mediterranean, as many as two are lost in the desert - potentially upwards of 30,000 people since 2014.
